
Comfort Measures for Labor and Birth Class Review

Learning how to manage labor pain naturally can be a challenge.

While it’s so easy to search through Pinterest or Youtube for the best labor positions or breathing techniques, it always seems like the SAME tips are circulated over and over again.

Comfort Measures for Labor and Childbirth Class Review - How to manage labor pain naturally

And while you know everyone recommends using the double hip squeeze or a tub to ease your contractions, it can be so hard to know when to actually use these techniques and how to use them effectively.

So, you start researching natural childbirth classes to teach you how to use these techniques….that’s when you realize that a good natural childbirth class costs over $200.


I get it! I’ve reviewed 5 prenatal classes on Blunders in Babyland and, while I love each and every class, I completely understand choking on a $200 bill.

A few weeks ago, Samantha from the Carolina Doula Collective approached me about her new labor pain technique class, Comfort Measures for Labor and Birth.

Unlike many other prenatal classes out there, this class focuses solely on teaching women how to cope with pain effectively. Best of all, the price can fit any woman’s budget!

I was intrigued because, not only did the price of the course catch my eye, but I believe so many women are simply interested in learning how to manage labor pain naturally and could care less about the prenatal aspect of pregnancy courses. 

If this is you, I’m so glad you’re reading my Comfort Measures for Labor and Birth class review. This class is perfect for you.

But don’t take my word for it. I’m about to tell you exactly what you’ll learn from it and it can legitimately teach you and your partner to effectively cope with pain during labor.

Pros and Cons: Comfort Measures for Labor and Birth Review At-a-Glance

This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase from one of the links I will make a small commission at no charge to you. Blunders in Babyland does not diagnose, treat, or give out any professional advice for any medical conditions. I was given free access to this course to facilitate this review. ALL opinions are my own.


  • In-depth training on labor pain coping techniques for Active and Transition Labor
  • Easy-to-digest video demonstrations
  • Great resource for labor partners
  • Professional quality video
  • Lifetime Access
  • Inexpensive
  • Access to private Facebook group


  • Not a full prenatal course

What is Comfort Measures for Labor and Birth?

First, Why Should You Take a Pain Coping Technique Class?

In other words, what’s the difference between this class and Youtube/Pinterest? 

That was my first question and kind of the prerequisite I needed to answer before agreeing to take and review this course. 

After all, Youtube is loaded with labor techniques. Why spend money to learn about this stuff?

The difference is structure, quality, and retainment.

With a pain management course, the labor coping techniques are presented in an informative, structured way, without ever getting boring. This particular course takes you by the hand and guides you through these techniques so you will actually learn how to use them when the time comes.

Not to mention, when you learn from an actual course, your instructor is much more invested and creates a much better tutorial.

For example, Samantha, the creator of the Comfort Measures course, poured out all of her knowledge as a Doula and it really shows. Her techniques are fresh. I don’t think you would ever learn them yourself, unless you specifically researched each one individually. 

I learned SO MUCH from this class, whereas with Youtube videos and many Pinterest articles, I feel like I’m reading the same old content over and over again. 

What is This Course?

Before we get into the goods, I want to make a clear distinction: Comfort Measures for Labor and Birth is not a prenatal class

A prenatal class covers the ins and outs of late pregnancy, labor, childbirth, and even some postpartum and newborn care topics.

This is a no-frills course designed to teach you exactly what you want to know: how to manage  labor pain

It’s the perfect resource if you’ve already taken a prenatal class that didn’t offer great pain coping techniques, or if you’ve already given birth once but now you’d like to go natural.

The course is taught by Samantha McClellan, certified birth doula, birth photographer, placenta encapsulator, and the CEO of The Carolina Doula Collective. As you can probably tell, she is passionate about helping women give birth.

In my opinion, her experience as a doula makes this course special. 

Class Structure

Comfort Measures for Labor and Childbirth Class Review - Structure
100% video course that is self-paced.

Comfort Measures is an entirely online course with 13 video modules. Each module is between 2-5 minutes long, which equates to about 35 minutes of video demonstrations.

I love the format of this course. The short videos allow you to easily learn the techniques and reference them later.

Say you’re in the throes of active labor and your partner knows the double hip squeeze is exactly what you need, but he just can’t remember where to push. In between contractions, he can simply watch the video demonstration and he’s ready to go

Course Content

Okay, this is what you’ve been waiting for! What exactly can this class teach you? 

Each of the 13 modules covers effective pain coping techniques and positions. First, Samantha explains what the technique does and when to use it. Then, you hop over to the video demonstration, where she teaches you (or your labor partner) exactly how to perform it. 

The comfort measures covered in this class are:

  • Early Labor (Or, how to cope with the beginning stages of labor pains).
  • Birth Ball
  • Shower
  • Tub
  • Vocalization
  • ​​​​​Double Hip Squeeze
  • Counter Pressure
  • Massage
  • Tens Unit
  • Rebozo Sifting
  • Position Changes

Highlights of Comfort Measures for Labor and Childbirth

Comfort Measures for Labor and Childbirth Class Review - Labor Pain Techniques
Sample of the video demonstration. These demonstrations are short and sweet but very effective. Definitely bookmark the ones you plan on using during your labor!

This is usually the part of my Comfort Measures for Labor and Birth class review where I would list out my favorite features of the course. Because this is a short course and I don’t want to give anything away, it’s a little hard for me to get too specific here.

Having said that, my favorite techniques she mentioned was the Rebozo (belly sifting), Hydro-therapy (which includes about 2 lessons), and the Tens Unit. 

Belly Sifting with a Rebozo

If you’ve researched labor positions and pain coping techniques, you’ve probably already heard of belly sifting with a rebozo. If not, a rebozo is a woven scarf your labor partner can wrap around your belly to gently sift your abdomen.

Belly sifting is an excellent technique to help you push, cope with labor pain, and encourage your baby into the anterior position (in fact, my L & D used this technique on me to turn my baby from posterior). 

I love Samantha’s demonstration of this technique. She explains exactly what type of rebozo to purchase and how to use it effectively. Her tutorial is so easy to follow as well. It’s a great resource for you and your labor partner to have. 

Shower and Tub

Once again, you’ve probably heard of hydro-therapy, but I’m pretty sure you don’t know Samantha’s secrets on shower and tub use. I loved these two modules because, she explains which techniques are best for each part of the contraction, and which motions are most effective. 

Tens Unit

Okay, I’m saving the best for last. I’m pretty sure the Tens Unit module is going to blow your mind. I have NEVER heard of this labor coping technique.

A Tens Unit delivers small electrical pulses to your body through little pads. If positioned correctly, these pulses can disrupt and relieve some of your labor pain. It’s completely unmedicated, completely safe for baby, and fairly inexpensive (honestly, this one on Amazon costs as much as a birthing ball!)

The Comfort Measures for Labor and Childbirth class teaches you the ins and outs of using this device during your labor. It was a pretty cool module!

Labor Pain Management - Labor Pain Relief

Is This Class Right For You?

This course is perfect for women that aren’t interested in spending multiple  hours and hundreds of dollars going over a prenatal class when all you really want to know is how to effectively cope with labor pains!

If you don’t have a doula in your area that can help you with childbirth (or you don’t have the money to hire a doula!), this class is an effective way to teach you many of the techniques they would use.

While the course is advertised for women about to undergo labor, I truly think it’s an incredible step-by-step training manual for your labor partner.

With 2-minute videos, your labor partner won’t get bored, and the instructions are so easy, he’ll be much more likely to master the techniques. And remember, thanks to the quick videos, this course is an excellent quick-reference guide.

My husband will definitely take this course when we prepare for our second child!

Who This Course Isn’t For

This class is an excellent resource, BUT, if you’re a first time mom, I HIGHLY recommend that you enroll in a high-quality prenatal class.

If you’re not sure which one to choose, I wrote a complete guide that compares the best online prenatal classes on the web

For now, Mama Natural and KOPA Prepared Online Childbirth Course are my two recommendations for natural, full-service prenatal courses. These classes will teach you everything you need to know about the end of your pregnancy, labor coping techniques, and more.

Alternatively, if you don’t have $200, to spend on a prenatal class, you could purchase Birth It Up: Natural Series. Birth It Up’s labor techniques aren’t nearly as in-depth as Comfort Measures for Labor and Birth, so if you wanted to purchase the two courses separately, you’re still spending less than $100 for a good, quality natural labor education.

The Comfort Measures for Labor and Childbirth Class Review: Would I Recommend It?

If you already have a firm grasp on labor and/or are planning on taking a prenatal class then YES, I do!

It’s a great resource with complete professional quality demonstrations and unique pain coping techniques that I TRULY believe with help you get through labor.

Because of the simplicity of the course and lifetime access, it’s the perfect resource to take with you during this labor and future labors. As I mentioned, I fully intend to review these techniques before I go into labor again and use it as a training manual for my husband.

If you’d like to check it out (and I hope you do!), you can find the course with the button below.

In the meantime, I’d love to hear your thoughts! What are your main questions about the course? Let me know below!

Good luck, Mama. I hope this Comfort Measures for Labor and Birth Class review was helpful and you achieve the natural birthing experience you’ve been searching for!

Comfort Measures for Labor and Childbirth Class Review (1)

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