
Recovering from Childbirth with the Making Your Postpartum Plan Course

Preparing for your postpartum recovery can be tricky. While the internet is loaded with postpartum care checklists and sitz bath tutorials, it can be hard to truly prepare for a messy, 6-week recovery time. 

Before I gave birth, I shifted between downplaying my postpartum recovery and dreading it. The idea of “taking it easy” for 6 weeks (bleeding the entire time, without sex, feeding a newborn day and night) scared the crap out of me. So, I did the bare minimum to prepare. I made one freezer meal, stocked up on overnight pads, and bought some granny panties. All while hoping that this was “enough.” 

Postpartum Together Making a Postpartum Recovery Plan Course Review (1)

Whether you’re a new mom concerned about the unknowns of your postpartum recovery or you’re simply doing your due diligence, I am SO GLAD you’re taking the time to learn about this topic.

By simply preparing for your postpartum recovery, you’re already making it so much easier on yourself.

One resource I recently discovered is the Making Your Postpartum Plan course by Postpartum Together. This online course walks you through your postpartum recovery and helps you develop a comprehensive plan to heal quickly. It’s a total Godsend for busy, overwhelmed new moms. 

Not only that, but this course offers specific suggestions for keeping you and your baby safe during our current pandemic.

In this post, I’m going over a few topics you absolutely should consider for your postpartum recovery and how the Making Your Postpartum Plan can help you prepare.


Pros and Cons: Postpartum Plan Course Review At-a-Glance

This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase from one of the links I will make a small commission at no charge to you. Blunders in Babyland does not diagnose, treat, or give out any professional advice for any medical conditions. I received free access to this course in order to facilitate this review. All of my opinions are my own.


  • Quick n’ Easy- 1 hour of educational video content
  • Includes Postpartum Plan Template
  • Covers a Full Overview of Postpartum Recovery: Mental, Physical, Emotional, and Social Health
  • Inexpensive
  • Available 24/7
  • Lifetime access 


  • Focuses on creating a postpartum plan and overview of your recovery period (not to be confused with a full, physical postpartum recovery course)
  • This might be a personal preference, but I would have loved to see a handout with specific resources

What is the Postpartum Together Making a Postpartum Plan Course?

Before we dive into what you should prepare for and how this course can help, let me introduce you to Postpartum Together. 

Postpartum Together offers advice and coaching for new moms preparing, recovering from, and overcoming postpartum. This company was founded by Chelsea Skaggs, who’s passionate about helping moms succeed in their new roles, their way.

Like Chelsea, the Postpartum Plan course focuses on highlighting the good, the bad, and the kind of gross aspects of this messy phase of motherhood.

Class Structure

Chelsea will walk you through creating your postpartum recovery plan with educational videos and helpful printouts.  Her tips come in the form of lecture-style presentations that cover some SERIOUS postpartum topics that are under-discussed (we’ll go through that in a moment).

I love that each lecture runs about 10 minutes but is PACKED with information. Busy women will really appreciate that no moment is wasted. 

Essential Topics for Your Postpartum Recovery

Making Your Postpartum Plan Review - Structure

Whether you purchase this class or not, take note of the list below. These topics are absolutely necessary to a full, healthy postpartum recovery. I love that Making Your Postpartum Recovery Plan at least touches on every aspect and gives you a good idea of what to expect and how to prepare.

Postpartum Recovery Topics Included

  • Mental Recovery- We’ll go over this in more detail in a minute.
  • Physical Recovery- Same here.
  • Food- What to eat postpartum and how to prepare beforehand. I definitely struggled in this area the most. Exploring alternative options, such as food services, freezer meals, food delivery, and more.
  • Baby Feeding – Breast vs. Formula, how and where to get support for whatever option you choose.
  • Marriage/Partnership- Essentially, having a baby affects your relationship! Maintaining an open line of communication, dividing labor, and focusing on your happiness as a couple is essential. 
  • Division of Labor- Which brings us to our next topic. A support team is absolutely essential. This lesson offers easy suggestions for delegating your tasks and getting the help you need.
  • Social/Identity- Trust me, this is one of the hardest changes to navigate through. Even as a walking food truck, you are still a unique individual. Figuring out how to balance your momlife and connecting with like-minded women is essential for a healthy recovery.
  • Siblings/Pets- Tips for introducing your baby to his fur and human siblings.
  • Coronavirus considerations- Unfortunately, we live in a crazy world right now. Women are giving birth alone under conditions that are definitely not what they imagined. We’ll talk more about this in a minute.

A postpartum recovery plan template is your secret to success for your recovery. Chelsea included a free plan in the course.  I’d also recommend taking notes as you go along and writing out at least a rough draft of your plan. 

Now it’s time for my favorite part of my Making Your Postpartum Recovery Plan course review: getting into more detail on the topics that you need to know about.

Postpartum Recovery Essential Topics

Making Your Postpartum Plan - Physical Recovery

Physical Recovery

Many new moms have no idea what to expect after giving birth. If you’ve cruised around Pinterest or downloaded a snazzy hospital bag checklist, you might have an idea of what you need: ginormo pads and black pants for days (trust me, don’t pull a Meghan Markle and wear white). 

Still, these articles don’t exactly cover the full spectrum of how your body needs to recover during this time.  

Which is exactly why I love the physical recovery section of Making Your Postpartum Plan. It gives you a good idea on what to expect, valuable tips to make this recovery period easier, plus the big RED FLAGS you should look for.  

I will say, if you’re looking for a course that specifically helps you recover physically (with exercises and physical techniques), I would check out the Postpartum Recovery Course by Mamas and Misses. This online class is COMPREHENSIVE (over 3 hours long) and it covers EVERYTHING you need to know about the physical recovery side. Plus, it includes a 30 minute consultation with a physical therapist.

RELATED POST: Mamas and Misses Postpartum Recovery Course

Mental Recovery

I’ve known women that actively worry about their mental state postpartum (this was me) and others that ignore their feelings altogether. Finding a healthy, balanced approach is the best way to transition into motherhood. Incidentally, you’ll learn essential techniques for minimizing your overwhelm, creating a support team to help you along the way, and some of the red flags for PPD that you should be aware of.  


In my opinion, your social and individual identity is one of the most important topics of a healthy postpartum recovery, but so easily overlooked. Being a mom takes so much out of you. Having another human being entirely dependent on YOU is naturally draining, no matter how rewarding it can be. With a newborn that feeds roughly every 1-2 hours, there’s a good chance you are going to feel overwhelmed. 

Not to mention, you will evolve as well. Your priorities, emotions, even your personality in many ways. 

This section of the Making a Postpartum Recovery Plan course highlights the importance of developing a strong social network, preserving “you” time, and chasing down things that interest you, as well as some great resources that you can use to connect with other moms.

Having a Baby During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Although pandemic restrictions are (finally) lightening up, it’s still important to take a few safety considerations while healing from childbirth and caring for your newborn. That might come in the form of limiting visitors (in the hospital and at home), using delivery services, practicing personal protection, and more.

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Making Your Postpartum Plan Course Review: Is it Worth It?

Definitely! If you’re a new mom that has no idea what to expect postpartum, this class can save you time, money, and a lot of grief. It’s convenient and very inexpensive (just $19!). If you want to check it out, just click the button below.

Mama, I am so excited for you. Motherhood and the postpartum time can be a challenge, but believe me, it is SO worth it. You will get through it! If you have any questions about the course, just let me know below.


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