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    Congratulations! You’re having a baby!

    Baby Budget Worksheet

    Now…how the heck are going to pay for it?

    Even if you’ve planned on having a baby for years, the added expenses of pregnancy and infancy can be shocking…if not a little overwhelming.

    Believe me, we’ve all been there.

    The prenatal visits. The extra ultrasounds. Not to mention labor and delivery. No one can really prepare you for all of the surprises pregnancy has to over.

    And then your little bundle of joy arrives…but so does the diapers, formula, and childcare expenses.

    Don’t freak out.

    You can prepare for and raise a baby on a budget. Simply sitting down to organize, plan, and budget for these new expenses can alleviate so much of your stress. You’ll discover the hidden reserves of your budget that you missed before. You’ll realize that with time and commitment this is totally doable.

    I created the Baby on a Budget Spreadsheets to help you take control of your finances and raise a baby on a budget. This planner will help you budget, track, and save.

    Your Pregnancy and Pre – Baby Budget Worksheet Printables

    When you budget for these added expenses and doctors visits, it won’t come as a surprise. This worksheet helps you plan for these visits and squeeze the costs into your current budget.

    After Baby Budget Worksheet(Your Family Budget) Work

    Would you believe that I actually save more money now WITH A CHILD than I did when it was just my husband and I? This worksheet will help you list out your entire family’s needs and plan for them responsibly.

    Pregnancy Expenses Tracker

    Ugh, what’s up with all of the medical bills and pregnancy gear?

    This tool will help you list out the costs of your maternity needs (including your blood tests and prenatal visits) so you can effectively fit them in your budget.

    Need more help? Take the course!

    Baby on a Budget - Online Class (1)
    Did you know that I created a course to actually teach you how to prepare for and raise a baby on a budget? We go over what you need to buy (and what you don’t) and how you can save big on all of those items. Check it out here.

    So…are you ready to have a baby on a budget the easiest way possible? Snag your copy of the Baby on a Budget Worksheets FOR FREE! When you compare this baby budgeting spreadsheets and worksheets, this is a heck of a deal that should be at least $19. I’m giving these worksheets + a free Google Sheets spreadsheet FOR FREE.

    I hope you’ll grab yours today! Good luck, Mama!

    Blunders in Babyland Signature

    Baby Budgeting Spreadsheets - Baby Budget Worksheet Printables