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How to Increase Your Milk Supply Quickly: 8 Tips That Can Save Your Supply

I’m a mom of two beautiful daughters who, as luck would have it, were both tongue tied. This wrecked havoc on my breast milk production. Sometimes, I struggled with too much milk. Other times, I was terrified that I wouldn’t be able to feed my little ones. Thankfully, I discovered a few home remedies to increase breast milk naturally. In one instance, my supply double in two days. Another time, I saw results in a day. 

If you’re afraid that your baby is not getting enough milk and you need to increase milk supply production fast, I hope these techniques help! 

How to Increase Your Milk Supply Quickly (1)

This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase from one of the links I will make a small commission at no charge to you. Blunders in Babyland does not diagnose, treat, or give out any professional advice for any medical conditions.

10 Legitimate Home Remedies to Increase Breast Milk Production Quick

Before we begin, you should know that the many of the methods below are not scientifically proven to increase your breast milk production. This word of mouth, anecdotal. I’ll link to anything I’ve found studies on.

Seeking out an IBCLC (International board certified lactation consultant) was the best thing I ever did. I am convinced that I would not have been able to continue breastfeeding if I hadn’t. If you have a continuous issue with your milk supply, there may be a deeper issue. It’s in your best interest, and your baby’s to see a doctor or lactation consultant.

 1: Adjust Your Latch and Troubleshoot

This can be the most critical thing you do to help boost milk supply production immediately. A poor latch is one of the most common reasons for a low milk supply issue.

Even with all of these suggestions, you will continually suffer from a low breast milk if you don’t fix the root of the problem.

If you’re still struggling with breastfeeding as a whole, DO NOT FEEL BAD. Breastfeeding isn’t always the uber natural process people crack it up to be.

(Note: If you’re reading this and feeling a little unsure of your breastfeeding capabilities,  The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class is a favorite resource with my readers. It teaches you how how to latch (and CORRECT A BAD LATCH), position your baby, produce more milk, pump…basically everything!) The course is less than $30, and when you buy it, you also receive a discount code for the Back to Work Pumping Class). 

2: Mother’s Milk Tea

How to Increase Breast milk supply naturally - mothers milk tea (1)
I love the Traditional Medicinals Mother’s Milk Tea. And my this mug. Chip and all 😉

I really enjoyed drinking this tea, and although anecdotal (there haven’t been any studies conducted on it) I was thought I a boost in my breastmilk supply.

Mother’s Milk tea is organic, non-GMO, and contains all of the herbs that have helped mommies produce for centuries. This includes the main suspects, like fenugreek, fennel, and aniseed. Fennel and Aniseed are phytoestrogens, which, as you may have guessed, mimic a human mother’s estrogen to stimulate milk production.

Go Nature!

Many people say it tastes like licorice; personally, I think it tastes like snot. Add some honey or sugar and chug it down.

I drank at least 4 cups a day during the worst part of my dry spell. If you absolutely, positively can not stand the taste, Raspberry Leaf tea is rumored to increase milk production as well.

3: Pump More! (And Try Power Pumping)

I didn’t follow this guideline to a T, but I did pump for 10-15 minutes after I put Lil’ C down for a nap and then again roughly 45 minutes before I fed her again.

If I pumped any closer to her feeding time, I wouldn’t be able to produce the amount she needed.

If your baby just started sleeping through the night, you’ve noticed a drop in your milk supply, you might want to start pumping at that middle of the night feed until your supply consolidates. In my experience, this takes about a week.

Power pumping is an exhausting commitment, but it does rebuild your stockpile and it gives you a good excuse to catch up on your Netflix.

RELATED POST: 7 Expert Pumping Tips for New Moms You Need to Know

4: Brewer’s Yeast & Flaxseed

Lactation Cookies
Oatmeal Raisin Lactation Cookies. They’re soooo good. Complete with flaxseed and brewer’s yeast. If you’re not much for baking, Amazon sells pre-made cookie mix!

Did you know that beer may contain ingredients that can increase milk your production?

Before you go out and buy a six-pack, check out Brewer’s Yeast instead. Brewer’s yeast gives you all of the benefits of beer without the alcohol consumption. It contains all sorts of goodies for breastfeeding moms, such as vitamin B, chromium, and selenium.

Brewer’s yeast is often paired with flaxseed, which contains ample amounts of vitamin e and b, omega 3, and fiber.

The downside is, brewer’s yeast does cause massive poops for you and your baby. Experts also suggest not taking Brewer’s yeast if you’re prone to yeast infections or allowing your children to eat it.

I loved making this energy ball recipe. It contains lots of nutritional goodies and it’s delicious. I just added a tiny bit of brewer’s yeast to it. I also added a couple of tablespoons of brewer’s yeast, water, and ground flaxseed to a store-bought brownie mix. It was delicious. I immediately noticed a huge increase of breast milk (and incidentally, in my weight too…)

My husband loved it to and he miraculously did not produce any milk. 😉

RELATED POST: 15 Lactation Friendly Recipes to Boost Your Supply

5: More Milk Plus by Mother Love

In my opinion, women should stock this prior to breastfeeding, just in case.

More Milk Plus by Mother Love is composed of several galactalins, such as fenugreek, fennel, nettle seed, blessed thistle,  and most importantly Goat’s Rue. Goat’s Rue actually stimulates mammary gland development.

The bottle suggests taking up to 6 pills a day. I only took two to begin seeing results. After my milk supply leveled out, I took 1 a day.

I should mention that after about a week, I noticed that Lil’ C’s diapers became increasingly green and foamy. After a week of experimenting, I narrowed it down to either a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance or a reaction to the More Milk Plus pills.

6: Plenty of Skin-to-Skin

How to Increase Breast milk supply naturally - cuddles

Sometimes a drop in your supply could be hormonal. So, fight hormones with hormones!

Skin-to-skin isn’t some hookey old wive’s tale. Science has proven time and time again that skin-to-skin can have dramatic effects on you and your baby.

If you need more milk, snag some cuddles ASAP.

Your body produces oxytocin when you touch your baby, which in turn, stimulates your let-down. Several sources say that you should stay in bed with your baby all day to get your milk back. If you do, great. If not, other studies show that even one extra cumulative hour a day can increase be beneficial.
In my humble opinion, this is the most fun way to naturally increase your supply <3

How to Increase Your Milk Supply Fast - 10 Proven Tips!

7: Ditch the Pacifier

Be the pacifier. You are the pacifier.

Usually I’m not one to support becoming a human pacifier, however, this is a great way to stimulate milk production. If your baby wants to take a little extra time to suckle, let her. You need all the stimulation you can get.

8: Healthy Diet

Increasing Your Milk Supply Quickly- Diet (1)
One of my favorite healthy meals…a cobb salad!

Doctors seem to be on the fence as to whether or not certain foods help increase breast milk supply. However, the medical community agrees that proper nutrition directly affects production. Breastfeeding moms need an ample supply of iodine and choline. 

These minerals can be found in eggs, oats, dairy, meats, lentils, and some seafoods.

If you know in your heart that your diet isn’t where it needs to be, there’s a very real chance that a lack of nutrition could be the issue.

A few of your lactation-friendly food go-tos should be:

  • Greens (like spinach)
  • Colorful Fruit (strawberries, papaya, blueberries, raspberries)
  • Colorful Veggies (yams, sweet potatoes, carrots)

That terrible weekend where I worked to replenish my dried up supply consisted almost of nothing but oatmeal, spinach, healthy omelets, and chicken. And, as you can see from the picture above, bacon. That’s not necessarily nutritionist-approved, but it did make the salad much more edible 😉

9: Adjust Your Breastfeeding Schedule

If you’ve read any of my posts on how to implement a baby sleep schedule, you know that I love a flexible routine.

A milk crisis is one instance where you need to temporarily forget about your nice 2.5-3 hour routine and focus solely on increasing your production.

Take every opportunity to breastfeed. If your baby is waking you up at the 45 minute mark, feed her. If you need to move back from 2.5-3 hour schedule to a 2 hour, do it. I know it feels like you’re taking a step backward but it’s worth it.

Related Post: 5 Simple Steps to Start an Amazing Newborn Sleep Schedule

10: Try These Additional Ways to Increase Breast Milk Supply

I was so pleased with the results above that I stuck to them whenever I needed a quick fix. However, there are several other products that I’ve come across that people have raved about.

My lactation consultant also recommended several:

  • Goat’s Rue by Motherlove
  • Mulunggay by Motherlove
  • Fenugreek Capsules
  • Reglan (this is a drug)
  • Upspring Milk Flow
  • Lactation Support by Gaia
  • Blessed Thistle Capsules (you can find these on Amazon or health and wellness stores).

Signs You Milk Supply is Dropping & Why It’s Dropping

I always had trouble breastfeeding Lil’ C, but at 7 weeks, things got really bad. My daughter would come off my breast screaming. She’d try again, suck for a little while, and then scream again. This behavior continued until my breasts felt lighter, I couldn’t feel my let down anymore, and Lil’ C began to act like she was starving.

Sure enough, I did a “yield test” and found that I was producing a little under 2 oz. Suddenly, I wasn’t giving my child the nourishment she needed. I was starving her. In hindsight, if I had known the signs that my milk supply was dropping, I wouldn’t have needed to go into emergency mode.

Let’s talk about the signs your milk supply is dropping and why you might be experiencing a sudden drop in milk supply.

The obvious signs are that your baby’s weight is going down, they are getting frustrated while suckling, and they’ll cry for feeds more frequently.

However, note that these are also be signs that your baby is going through a growth spurt.

Here’s a few sneakier signs your milk supply is dropping:

  • Your baby is not producing enough wet diapers (usually 6 wet diapers a day, minimum.)
  • Your breast feel light before a feeding
  • You don’t feel your let down anymore
  • Your pumping output is very low (less than 2oz). Just keep in mind that this sign is not 100% accurate. Many women struggle to get a good output.

Why You’re Experiencing a Sudden Drop in Milk Supply

Figuring out the answer to this can save you from future crisises. In my case, my daughter had a tongue tie, which prevented her from suckling efficiently and emptying my breasts. This slowly reducing my milk supply.

Your situation could be completely different. The most common reason for a sudden drop in milk supply around the 6 week mark is hormone regulation. At this point, your body begins taking its cues from your baby (rather than just producing like crazy no matter what the demand.

Here are a few more factors that could be impacting your milk supply that you should really consider:

  • Lack of hydration – Your body CAN NOT produce without enough water.
  • Lack of nutrition
  • Bad latch caused from physical conditions (tongue tie, cleft lip, high palate, etc)
  • Hunger Strike – If your baby goes on a hunger strike, this can decrease the demand of milk, which gradually decreases your production
  • Your baby is beginning to sleep through the night – You may want to start pumping for that feed
  • Strict feeding schedules. A newborn must nurse 8 to 12 times in 24 hours.
  • Your period. This always caused a dip in my supply.
  • Nipple Shields

How Long Does it Take to Increase Your Milk Supply?

Okay, I KNOW that the title of this post is how to increase your milk supply quickly. BUT, I want to give you realistic expectations.

Every woman is different. That is, every woman lactates differently. With the methods I’m about to share, my milk supply doubled in 2 days. Honestly, I increased my milk supply in one day without an issue.

Just know that your experience may be different.

If you try the methods below and just can’t lactate, seek out help immediately. There could be something going on. A lactation consultant can quickly tell you what’s going on and give you the tips you need to improve your supply.

How to Increase Your Milk Supply Quickly: Conclusion

A sudden low breast milk supply an be super scary, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of your breastfeeding days. Remember, Mama…your body is specifically designed to nourish your baby. Sometimes it just needs a little help.

Start by feeding your baby more often or pumping and try at least ONE of the products I listed above. There might be some trial and error, but trust me, you’ll get it.

If you need extra resources, be sure to check out the full list of lactation products here and subscribe for breastfeeding essentials below. Most of all, don’t be embarrassed about seeing a lactation consultant. This is nothing to mess around with.

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  1. Please be wary of products with Fenugreek in them. For women with thyroid issues can do the opposite and completely dry up their supply. The thyroid levels that are necessary for milk production are in a smaller range than what is normal when not breastfeeding. Some women may not know that their thyroid levels are not in this range. It is better to avoid anything with Fenugreek just in case!

  2. i’ve been struggling to breastfeed my baby and i can’t wait to try these