
7 Encouraging Books for Stay-at-Home Moms to Renew Your Purpose

Whether you’re a new or veteran stay-at-home mom, sometimes the daily grind can get downright discouraging. Your kids are ungrateful, the messes are unending, and despite his best intentions, your husband’s lack of understanding leaves you lonely and underappreciated.

Sometimes you just need a little inspiration to keep going. You need that extra push to remind yourself why made the decision to become a stay-at-home mom.

Encouraging Books for Stay at Home Moms to Renew Your Purpose

If you’re searching for inspiring and encouraging books for stay-at-home moms, I hope you’ll find it right here. Many of the books on this list have personally helped me through the difficult, lonely days of motherhood, and also helped me appreciate the beautiful days as well. I hope you have the same experience, Mama!

Note: While this list of books is not exclusively for Christians, many are Christian-themed.

7 Encouraging Books for Stay-at-Home Moms to Renew Your Purpose

This post may contain affiliate linksIf you make a purchase from one of the links I will make a small commission at no charge to you. I only recommend what I trust. Blunders in Babyland does not diagnose, treat, or give out any professional advice for any medical conditions.

Before we begin, I wanted to mention this resource since it doesn’t really fit in the book category. It’s an online course that’s $7 and it can totally change your daily routine.

If you’re struggling with getting your kids to help out with the chores— I just loved the chapter about it in Family Routines. Hiilary talks about chores, morning routines, meal time prep— and more. I think you’ll love it — in fact, she guarantees it. Join for a month, or a year — you can cancel at any time — you can even save 10% with code SAVE10.

Now that I’ve mentioned that, let’s get to the books!

1 The Magnolia Story | Chip and Joanna Gaines

If you’re a perfectionist like me, I think you’ll love this book.

Almost everybody likes Fixer Upper. Chip and Joanna Gaines have captured the heart of thousands of men and women across the globe. I think the couple’s success stems from their authenticity, simplicity, and the blatant love they display for each other.

That’s what drew me to this book, but I didn’t expect it to change the way I looked at life. Joanna shares the early days of their marriage, the dawn of their now thriving business, and the life lessons she learned along the way.

You’ll be encouraged by Joanna’s story; her commitment to staying home with her children, loving life no matter the circumstances, and keeping family and God first. And, I’m reasonably confident that you’ll feel inspired to chase your own dreams. Joanna was a self-made woman, without an interior design degree or a business major, yet together with her husband she’s touched thousands of lives.

2 Awaken | Priscilla Shirer

I’m terrible with devotionals. I grab one on impulse at Hobby Lobby, start reading, and fizzle out after the first couple busy mornings. I bought this book 40 something days ago and I’m still reading it.

If you’ve never heard of Priscilla Shirer, she is a Christian author, speaker, and actress (you might remember her from War Room).

Awaken: 90 Days with the God Who Speaks, offers intimate, bite-sized devotionals that tackle every day issues of the Christian woman (dealing with overwhelm, focusing on your purpose with God, training your children up), but also gives you actionable challenges to help you implement what you’ve read.

This book is for that stay-at-home mom that needs to be challenged and desires to hear God’s voice.

3 The Lifegiving Home: Creating a Place of Belonging and Becoming | Sally Clarkson

I think every stay-at-home mom feels the burden of transforming a house into an inviting, comfortable home. A place where you feel safe, can make memories, and be fond of.

This book focuses on how to do that. It gives practical tips for creating a peaceful atmosphere for not only your family, but any visitors that step foot in your door.

If you’re more introverted like me (not so much into dinner parties) don’t worry, there are still plenty of traditions, tips, and advice you can apply.

4 Shepherding a Child’s Heart | Tedd Tripp

One of the biggest trials a stay-at-home mom can face is disciplining your children. Let’s face it, you’re stuck with the kids most of the day. You see everything- every tantrum, every lie, every argument. It can be maddening.

If you’re looking for daily discipline encouragement, this book is it. Shepherding a Child’s Heart is for the mom that feels like she’s not making any progress with her kids, like no matter how many times she reprimands them, there’s no actual heart change.

This book reminds you that you’re not just trying to stop an action, you’re molding your child’s outlook, his actions as an adult, and his character as a human being. This book is deep and it’s one of my favorite encouraging books for stay-at-home moms.


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Encouraging Books for Stay-at-Home Moms

5 Mom Enough: The Fearless Mother’s Heart and Hope  | Desiring God

Motherhood isn’t a hobby, it’s a calling.

My favorite quote from this book.

If you’re in the trenches, feeling overwhelmed, anxious, bored, underappreciated, and like there’s no purpose to your journey through motherhood, you need this book.

Mom Enough was written by 7 moms who share their daily trials, conflict, and wisdom. It’ll teach you that your purpose isn’t just wiping dirty rear ends or folding laundry. You, Mama, YOU were chosen for this moment in time, and you have a divine purpose. It’ll give your day meaning. Talk about an encouraging book for stay-at-home moms, right?

This book is powerful and…it’s completely free. You can download it at Desiring God. However, if you’d like to receive a hardcover copy (or a Christmas gift for another mom), you can buy it on Amazon.

6 The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to a Love that Lasts | Gary Chapman

This isn’t just for stay-at-home moms, but bear with me. When your marriage is on the rocks, your entire house suffers. Thousands and thousands of stay-at-home moms feel underappreciated and unloved by the man that once stole their hearts.

I know I’ve felt this way. Have you?

Some women know their husbands love them, but they just don’t show it. Other women genuinely feel that their husbands no longer feel any affection for them.

A few months ago, I felt disconnected from my husband. I knew he loved me, and I knew that he worked so hard for our family. Yet, (guiltily) I felt so unsatisfied. To coin Gary Chapman’s term, my “love tank” was empty.

I had bought The Five Love Languages for our anniversary a couple years ago and never read it. In desperation, I read it from cover to cover. I was amazed at how simple the message was. The book goes over how we express and receive love in differently ways (the main categories are physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, and acts of service). It describes how we may try to show our spouse that we love them, and vice versa, but when we don’t speak their love language it leaves them unfulfilled and unhappy.

This book doesn’t just delve into what your love language is, but it tells you how to identify your spouse’s and focus on selflessly filling his love tank. The result is usually a happier marriage, one that is filled with genuine love.

If the Five Love Languages sounds interesting, check out the Five Love Languages of Children: The Secret to Loving Children Effectively. You’ll learn how to connect and love your children in the unique way they need.

7 Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living | Shauna Niequist

Do you ever find yourself spending less time with your family because you just don’t have any time?

This one should be a staple in any encouraging books for stay-at-home moms list, because I think every mom struggles with perfection. Present Over Perfect focuses on being in the moment: escaping the busyness of life simply to exist and cherish your loved ones. Shauna Niequist offers the experiences and wisdom she’s drawn from her life (which, granted may be a little high velocity compared to mine or yours) and the concepts she presents are powerful and practical.

Bonus: The Organized Home | Hilary Erickson, Pulling Curls

So, this isn’t a book (which is why it’s in the bonus section), but, this e-course made such a dramatic difference in my life that I had to mention it. Before taking this e-course, I considered myself reasonably organized, but it felt like I was cleaning all.the.time.

It was never-ending! Then, I tried the 30 day version of this class.

Mind. Blown.

I learned how to put organization systems into place that would minimize cleaning and help me easily and quickly find the things I needed. It eradicated my stupid expectations of a perfectly clean home, in favor of creating a perfectly functional home.

If you’re feeling completely overwhelmed by the mess in your home, you have to check this out. It’s the same price of a book and you can easily get through it in a couple days.

Other Encouraging Books for Stay-at-Home Moms that are in my queue

Loving the Little Years: Motherhood in the Trenches | Rachel Jankovic

Motherhood Realized: An Inspiring Anthology for the Hardest Job You’ll Ever Love| Power of Moms

Ministry of Motherhood | Sally Clarkson

Sacred Parenting: How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls | Gary Thomas

Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less than, Left Out, and Lonely | Lysa TurKeust (perfect for those moms that can’t seem to make mom friends or fit in with their in-laws

As a stay-at-home mom, your trials are often unheard. Listening to other women that have been in our shoes, that can offer encouragement is can refresh your hearts. We’ve been given a huge blessing, despite the mishaps, criticisms, and challenges that come with our position. I hope one of these encouraging books for stay-at-home moms spoke to you and changes your life!

I’d love to hear from you and know what has helped you find purpose in your day. Let me know in the comments below!

In the meantime, I’d love for you to check out some of our posts on how to make your life more practical, organized, and peaceful. 

Until next time,


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