The BabyCenter Meeting Physical Milestones Through Play Class Review! {2022}
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The BabyCenter Meeting Physical Milestones Through Play Class Review! {2022}

How do I play with my baby?  It seems so simple, and yet when you bring out your baby’s assortment of toys, only for him to stare ahead with complete detachment, you have to wonder what you’re doing wrong. There’s no doubt that when you become a parent, you begin to worry about things you…

8 Fool-Proof Tips to Try When Your Baby Won’t Burp

8 Fool-Proof Tips to Try When Your Baby Won’t Burp

When your baby is screaming from trapped gas, time seems to slow down. You know she needs to burp. Her little body is rigid, back arched, face beet-red, and her fists are clenched in unbearable pain. You would give anything–anything–to ease her pain.  You’ve tried throwing her onto your shoulder and patting her back but…

What Are Receiving Blankets and 8 Genius Ways to Use Them
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What Are Receiving Blankets and 8 Genius Ways to Use Them

Receiving blankets, swaddles, burp cloths, baby blankets…you’ve been adding items to your baby shower registry for hours and everything is starting to look the same. I totally get it. As a new much just followed the Amazon’s default registry suggestions. When I someone was kind enough to buy me a pack of receiving blankets, I…