If you’re a postpartum mom, you probably feel like you’ve been hit by a truck right now.
Parts of your body (that you honestly didn’t know existed) hurt, you’re bleeding beyond what you ever thought you were capable of, and despite your complete, utter exhaustion… you need to take care of that tiny human the L & D unit just handed over to you.
There is no doubt, postpartum is rough.
Everybody prepares for childbirth and their baby, but many, many moms forget to prepare for arguably the most difficult stage of motherhood.
(If you’re reading this and you’re pregnant then, Mama, you are SO brilliant. You’re completely ahead of the game right now).
That was definitely my case. When I gave birth, I didn’t have a CLUE about the postpartum period, postpartum recovery, or postpartum essentials. Seriously. Honestly, I purchased a pair of granny panties, an adorable hospital gown, and some overnight pads and called it a day.
Would not recommend this approach!
Thankfully, an L & D nurse gave me a few tips on what to buy. But, waiting to the last minute definitely hindered my postpartum recovery and made it more difficult to cope with the pain.
Mama, if you’re in the same boat, I created this postpartum care checklist just for you. Everything in these printables is designed to help you recover quickly and with as little complications as possible.
Postpartum Care Checklist: Postpartum Essential To Make Your Own Survival Kit
If you’ve already looked around the internet for postpartum survival kits, you’ll find that the pre-packaged variety can be quite expensive. The postpartum essential checklist lists out all of the items you’ll need to create your DIY postpartum survival kit WITHOUT LEAVING YOUR HOME.
All of these items are available for 2-day shipping from Amazon. (If you’d like to check out my list on Amazon, go ahead and click here).
Postpartum Recovery Timeline
Not sure what to expect from your postpartum recovery period? This one-page pdf is here to help!
It lists out exactly what to expect week-to-week and how you can maximize your healing for each stage. I think one of the biggest hindrances new moms face is not knowing their limitations during the postpartum period.
This little worksheet takes out all of the guesswork!
Postpartum Medical Cheat Sheet
I’m not going to lie…you’re probably going to struggle to remember your own name during the next 6 weeks. Let alone your postpartum checkups and medications!
Which is exactly why you should take advantage of this planner!
Printable DIY Padsicle Recipe
This recipe SAVED me during my postpartum recovery.
A padsicle can give your “girl” the instant relief she needs. It’s super easy to make and very cheap.
Postpartum Workout Plan
Strengthening your pelvic floor and improving your abdominal core is absolutely essential to your postpartum recovery. Doing this will help eliminate your mom pooch, prevent embarrassing postpartum incontinence situations, and reduce your risk for other complications.
But….how exactly do you get rid of the mom pooch? What exercises are safe? When do you even start?
First of all, these posts here (pelvic floor / abdominal core) are super helpful for all of that.
When you’re ready, this handy worksheet will help you easily track your exercises (and, therefore, reward yourself for doing them!)
My Favorite Postpartum Resources
From my diaper pail to yours, this cheatsheet includes ALL of the resources I have gathered throughout my 2 years of blogging about babies and motherhood.
These (mostly) free resources will be an encouragement and a huge asset for your journey through motherhood and postpartum recovery.
Bonus: New Mom Affirmations
Your mental health is important too so I really hope you take these affirmations to heart and believe them!
Download Your Postpartum Care Checklist for Free
By now, you’re probably wondering exactly how much this bundle costs. Let me tell you, Mama, it’s pretty steep, but I’m hoping you can still afford it.
I want you to recover quickly and happily so you can enjoy your sweet lil’ baby! So please, download your free copy of the postpartum care checklist and get on the fast track to your recovery!
P.S. Could you do me a huge favor? If you read through all of this and think The Overwhelmed New Mom’s Postpartum Recovery Checklist sounds great, would you drop me a line below? I like positive affirmation too! 😉
- How to Practice Self Care as a New Mom
- How to Reduce Stress and Remain Positive as a New Mom
- 5 Easy Tips to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor