10 Memorable Gifts for Baby’s First Christmas

10 Memorable Gifts for Baby’s First Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner, and if you’re a new mom, this holiday takes on a completely new light. After all, it’s your baby’s first Christmas! Everything is new, exciting, and completely Instagram-worthy. For my daughter’s first Christmas, I really wanted to give her something special. We had plenty of toys (not that she…

Infant Hearing Protection: Protecting Your Baby’s Ears from Loud Noises

Infant Hearing Protection: Protecting Your Baby’s Ears from Loud Noises

The CDC estimates that as many as 12.5% of children suffer from hearing loss from excessive noise. I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a startling statistic. Most of the time, hearing loss is a gradual decline that just sneaks up on us. It often begins in infancy, when baby’s ears are most…

The Best Questions to Ask a Pediatrician at the Interview

The Best Questions to Ask a Pediatrician at the Interview

There’s no doubt, the meet and greet with your potential pediatrician is an important appointment. During this time, you’ll be assessing everything that makes your doctor a viable candidate: his philosophies, qualifications, staff, location, and even his personality.  There’s a lot of factors to consider when you’re looking for a pediatrician, so coming prepared is…

How to Choose a Pediatrician Perfect for Your Baby

How to Choose a Pediatrician Perfect for Your Baby

During your baby’s first year of life, you will visit the doctor’s office at least six times. In many ways, your baby’s pediatrician will become an integral part of your new parenting life. You’ll discuss your baby’s medical concerns (and there will be concerns), you’ll trust them with your baby’s health, and they’ll have a…

Kangaroo Care: Benefits of Skin-to-Skin and How to Do It

Kangaroo Care: Benefits of Skin-to-Skin and How to Do It

What if I told you that with one hour a day, you can dramatically improve your baby’s mental and physical development? As the benefits of skin-to-skin are uncovered, more and more parents and medical professionals are implementing this easy, natural strategy. Although you’ve probably heard about kangaroo care at some point, the actual concept and…