How to Get a Breastfed Baby to Sleep Through the Night
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How to Get a Breastfed Baby to Sleep Through the Night

About 4 weeks into the newborn phase, I shared my nighttime woes with pediatricians, lactation consultants, and other breastfeeding mamas. I expected to hear wise advice on how to extend my daughter’s nighttime hours (by 6 weeks, she was sleeping 4 hours at a time). The only “advice” I received was to “go with the…

How to Swaddle a Baby That Hates Being Swaddled
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How to Swaddle a Baby That Hates Being Swaddled

I remember sitting in my hospital room, watching in wonder as the nurse folded an ordinary blanket into a beautiful swaddle. By the end of our visit, she showed us how to swaddle a baby at least five times. That said, my daughter broke out of every swaddle I tried. During this time, I noticed…

Why Your Baby Won’t Sleep: 10 Surprising Reasons
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Why Your Baby Won’t Sleep: 10 Surprising Reasons

When your baby won’t sleep, no one in the house is happy. You’re exhausted, your baby is exhausted, your partner and other children are exhausted too. Most people expect sketchy nighttime sleep during the newborn phase. But what about 4-6 months later and you’re still getting 2 hours of sleep? Sleep isn’t a privilege, it’s…