10 Hidden Tongue Tie Symptoms You Need to Know About

10 Hidden Tongue Tie Symptoms You Need to Know About

Two months. I can’t tell you how many times I considered giving up breastfeeding during that time. The teeth-grinding pain when my daughter nursed, her obvious frustration, and the constant battle between an overactive letdown and low milk supply had removed any joy from the act of breastfeeding. I spent the majority of it wondering…

The Best Lactation Recipes to Boost Your Milk Supply

The Best Lactation Recipes to Boost Your Milk Supply

Lactation recipes. The one time you’re allowed—no, encouraged—to indulge in delectable treats at 2:30 in the morning. The internet is stocked with lactation recipes of all sorts. Unfortunately, some tend to be less than delicious. Do you know what I’m talking about? You find a recipe that looks good but tastes like cardboard? Ugh! Well,…

How to Increase Your Milk Supply Quickly: 8 Tips That Can Save Your Supply
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How to Increase Your Milk Supply Quickly: 8 Tips That Can Save Your Supply

I’m a mom of two beautiful daughters who, as luck would have it, were both tongue tied. This wrecked havoc on my breast milk production. Sometimes, I struggled with too much milk. Other times, I was terrified that I wouldn’t be able to feed my little ones. Thankfully, I discovered a few home remedies to…

6 Helpful Tips for Breastfeeding a Tongue Tied Baby

6 Helpful Tips for Breastfeeding a Tongue Tied Baby

Breastfeeding a tongue-tied baby is difficult. There’s just no way around it. If your baby was diagnosed with tongue tie, you face the difficult choice between a frenotomy and coping with your child’s unique anatomy. It can be tiring and frustrating for your baby and sometimes painful for you. You’re doing everything you can to…