6 Tips You Need to Know for Successful Breastfeeding

6 Tips You Need to Know for Successful Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a beautiful bonding time between you and your baby…unless you hate it. Can I be brutally honest? At first, I hated breastfeeding. Hated it. It hurt, it was boring, and it kept me from the actual activity I desperately wanted to participate in: sleep. Breastfeeding is hard. You have so much to learn…

10 Hidden Tongue Tie Symptoms You Need to Know About

10 Hidden Tongue Tie Symptoms You Need to Know About

Two months. I can’t tell you how many times I considered giving up breastfeeding during that time. The teeth-grinding pain when my daughter nursed, her obvious frustration, and the constant battle between an overactive letdown and low milk supply had removed any joy from the act of breastfeeding. I spent the majority of it wondering…

Baby Waking Up Every 2 Hours? Here’s What to Do.
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Baby Waking Up Every 2 Hours? Here’s What to Do.

You’ve read every book on baby sleep training, divided night shifts between you and your husband, But that was 6 months ago. Now your baby still hasn’t slept through the night, you have no idea what you’re doing wrong, and you can’t even enjoy this new, exciting time of your life because all you want…