6 Quick Tips to Keep Baby Cool at Disney

My family visited Disney World just before my youngest’s second birthday. And guess what? We had a blast! I’ll admit though, one major concern kept us from enjoying our trip to its fullest–the heat. The mornings were humid and comfortable, but the afternoons made us feel like we were chickens churning on a rotisserie rack.

Keeping your baby cool at Disney can be a challenge when you’re visiting between April and September, but it’s totally doable. We’re going to skip the usual tips (ensure your baby keeps out of the sun and give them lots of water), and dive right into the Disney insider tips. Without further ado, here are just a few techniques we used (or wished we had used) to avoid overheating at Disney with a baby.

How to Keep Your Baby Cool at Disney (1)

6 “Hot” Tips to Avoid Overheating at Disney with a Baby

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1 Plan a nap midday at your hotel

My absolute best advice–avoid the midday heat altogether. We visited Disney World at the beginning of August. During this time, the mornings were pretty tolerable. The afternoons, however, were miserable and it became very clear, very quickly that the heat could be a real concern. 

That first day, my daughter napped in her stroller, but we were constantly searching for spots to cool down indoors, spraying her with the (very expensive) Disney fan we purchased, and ensuring that she drank tons of water. It was a very stressful experience.

The second day at Disney, we came back with a plan. Even though it was a bit of an inconvenience, we drove back to the hotel around noon, let her take a nap, and drove back at sunset. The heat was much more tolerable at this time, and we weren’t dealing with an exhausted baby.

Added bonus–the lines were much more tolerable as well!

We took a break for naptime every day after that.

I know this seems like an inconvenience, but truly, this strategy is worth it. Imagine the time you’re wasting at the park while your baby is cranky, sleepless, and overheated! It adds up! 

You don’t have to stay at one of the Disney resorts for this to be an option. Your park pass is good for all day (meaning you can leave the park and come back). So, you can easily implement this strategy if you’re staying at one of the many hotels located in Flamingo Crossing. Those hotels are located just 13 minutes from Magic Kingdom!

That drive time is well-worth it for a little R & R.


2 Rent a stroller with an awning

Some parents choose to go Disney World with just a baby carrier. I get that. Hauling a stroller through the Magic Kingdom especially, surrounded by children and a million other strollers, sounds like a daunting task.

In my opinion, it wasn’t! Disney World is very, very accessible for strollers. The staff organizes stroller stations next to nearly every ride, allowing guests to safely park while they ride. 

Strollers allow you to utilize a fan, provide shade for your little one, and give yourself some much-needed relief. Baby carriers are hot during the day, for you and your little one.

Just a note though, Disney is very strict about which strollers they allow into their park. You’ll need to review their regulations. Here’s a great article giving you all the deetz you need to know about strollers.

We rented a stroller from a reputable third party service, and had a wonderful experience. They delivered the stroller to our hotel room and even picked it up when we were done.

RELATED POST: 10 Genius Stroller Accessories Every Mom Needs

3 Buy a fan/mister combo

How to Avoid Overheating at Disney with a Baby - Misting Fan (1)

This is, unfortunately, one piece of advice we didn’t even think to follow before we got into the park. Purchase a personal misting fan before you get into the park. Even better if you can find one that mists.

I can’t tell you how amazing fans are. I’m pretty sure the fans is the only thing that kept my little one sane that first day.

Do NOT purchase the big ones. Security won’t allow you through the gates.

4 Use the Baby Care Centers

Did you know that all four parks are equipped with a baby care center? Think of a baby care center as a nursery stocked with baby goods (for purchase), rocking chairs, changing stations and, most importantly, air conditioning. The baby care centers were a God-send when we visited Magic Kingdom and somehow forgot diapers.

They’re usually found at the front of the park, near the guest service locations.

5 Choose less popular rides during the afternoon

If you can’t stomach leaving the park during the afternoon, try standing in line at a less popular location. Most of the ride lines are located indoors once you reach a certain point. Try to hit the less popular, baby-friendly rides when the sun is at its hottest. For example, if you’re touring Epcot, you can plan to hit the aquarium around one.

The Lightning Lane is an excellent tool to help plan your day and ensure that you’re riding the right rides at the right time of the day. 

6 Reserve your lunch venues beforehand

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Disney Day One…we booked this restaurant out of sheer desperation!

This is another hot tip we learned very quickly. There’s plenty of food to go around when you’re at Disney, but sometimes the restaurants get crowded. You’ll often order your food through your phone, and scour the outside patios for seating. Especially around noon, which happens to be the hottest part of the day.

If you want a much-needed break, make sure you reserve your lunches well in advance (if not a few weeks, then certainly a few days).

Experienced Moms–How Did You Keep Your Baby Cool at Disney?

These quick tips saved us during our Disney visit. I hope they help you and your little one as well.

I would love to hear about some of your experiences! Let us know below. 

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