
Even though breastfeeding is the most natural act of motherhood, it is not easy. At least, it wasn’t for me.

Tongue tie, overactive letdown, supply issues…you name it we had it! The posts below are dedicated to the tips and products that made my breastfeeding journey just a little bit easier.


Mama, I’ve been in your shoes. I know how every nursing session can be a struggle.

Let me tell you, you can get through this and it is worth it! I hope these posts give you the encouragement and information you need to keep going strong.

Breastfeeding Tips

Best Nursing in Public Tips: How to Nurse in Public Without the Anxiety

At the beginning of my breastfeeding experience, I would have rather hidden away at home than risk nursing in public. The thought of exposing even a centimeter of my breasts (or receiving the inevitable criticism) terrified me. For the mamas that are confident enough to nurse without fear, I applaud you. For the women that…

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Undercover Mama Review {2020}: Review from a Pregnant Mom

Finding fantastic maternity outfits isn’t always easy. While popular retailers are finally rising to the occasion, many lines are overpriced or styled…weird.  In the past, I’ve shopped at Amazon or discount retailers like Ross or Marshall’s. While it absolutely is possible to find great maternity outfits at these locations, it kind of feels like the…

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