At Blunders in Babyland, I want to give you the tips you need to not only care for your baby, but help both of you thrive. My tips are is practical, simple, and most importantly, actionable.
Our Infant Sleep section is the most popular content on our website. If you’ve been having trouble getting your baby to sleep through the night, check out our Baby Sleep Series. The series contains the tips I used to get my breastfed baby to sleep through the night by 8 weeks.
We also offer practical tips on breastfeeding, baby gear, and baby care.
Newest Baby Posts
8 Valentine’s Day Date Ideas for New Parents
Celebrating Valentine’s Day as a new parent can be tricky. You’re tired, your budget is smaller, and finding a babysitter (who you trust with your tiny one’s life) can be hard. When my husband and I were new parents, we wondered if this holiday was destined to be a bust. In reality though, it gave…
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5 Common Cradle Cap Remedies (What Worked & What Didn’t)
Both of my daughters suffered from cradle cap. For a while there, it was pretty rough. The crusty, flaky skin would coat their heads from scalp to peach-fuzz hair. My firstborn struggled with it off and on until she was about four (yes, four!), while my youngest dealt with it during the first two years…
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Is Disney World Worth It for Toddlers and Babies?
Have you heard about Disney World’s awesome deal for parents? All children under three are allowed to enter the parks for free. Yay, right?! Except…is it? Between the temper tantrums and messed up nap schedules and lack of toddler-friendly rides, is Disney World worth it for toddlers and babies? I’m going to start this article…
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Why Your Baby Won’t Sleep: 10 Surprising Reasons
When your baby won’t sleep, no one in the house is happy. You’re exhausted, your baby is exhausted, your partner and other children are exhausted too. Most people expect sketchy nighttime sleep during the newborn phase. But what about 4-6 months later and you’re still getting 2 hours of sleep? Sleep isn’t a privilege, it’s…
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How to Swaddle a Baby That Hates Being Swaddled
I remember sitting in my hospital room, watching in wonder as the nurse folded an ordinary blanket into a beautiful swaddle. By the end of our visit, she showed us how to swaddle a baby at least five times. That said, my daughter broke out of every swaddle I tried. During this time, I noticed…
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How to Get a Breastfed Baby to Sleep Through the Night
About 4 weeks into the newborn phase, I shared my nighttime woes with pediatricians, lactation consultants, and other breastfeeding mamas. I expected to hear wise advice on how to extend my daughter’s nighttime hours (by 6 weeks, she was sleeping 4 hours at a time). The only “advice” I received was to “go with the…
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5 Easy Tips to Ease Back Into Breastfeeding after Exclusively Pumping
Exclusively breastfeed is the best way to feed a newborn, but there can be several reasons why a new mom is unable to do so. A lot of babies struggle to latch onto the nipple for the first 10 months. Medical complications like inverted nipple, nipple trauma, plugged ducts also prevent new mothers from breastfeeding.…
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Best Nursing in Public Tips: How to Nurse in Public Without the Anxiety
At the beginning of my breastfeeding experience, I would have rather hidden away at home than risk nursing in public. The thought of exposing even a centimeter of my breasts (or receiving the inevitable criticism) terrified me. For the mamas that are confident enough to nurse without fear, I applaud you. For the women that…
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Undercover Mama Review {2020}: Review from a Pregnant Mom
Finding fantastic maternity outfits isn’t always easy. While popular retailers are finally rising to the occasion, many lines are overpriced or styled…weird. In the past, I’ve shopped at Amazon or discount retailers like Ross or Marshall’s. While it absolutely is possible to find great maternity outfits at these locations, it kind of feels like the…
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The BabyCenter Meeting Physical Milestones Through Play Class Review! {2022}
How do I play with my baby? It seems so simple, and yet when you bring out your baby’s assortment of toys, only for him to stare ahead with complete detachment, you have to wonder what you’re doing wrong. There’s no doubt that when you become a parent, you begin to worry about things you…
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Hello Bello Diaper Review + Coupon 2021
Do you ever feel kind of bad for using disposable diapers? Environmentalists have made it clear that disposable diapers just fill the landfills. You’d like to try a greener option like cloth diapers or even biodegradable diapers, but man…they’re just so expensive! I get it. When you’re raising a baby on a budget, justifying the…
8 Sheep Organics – Junior’s Bedtime Lotion Review 2021
Shouldn’t getting your kids to sleep be easier? You’ve tried sleep training and bedtime routines…and yet every night still feels like a battle. And when he does finally get to sleep? It’s spotty and restless, with multiple wakings through the night. Magnesium is an essential mineral we all need but sometimes lack. It’s responsible for…
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Why Your Baby Won’t Sleep: 10 Surprising Reasons
When your baby won’t sleep, no one in the house is happy. You’re exhausted, your baby is exhausted, your partner and other children are exhausted too. Most people expect sketchy nighttime sleep during the newborn phase. But what about 4-6 months later and you’re still getting 2 hours of sleep? Sleep isn’t a privilege, it’s…
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Why Your Baby Spits Up When Laid Down And 8 Tips to Help
It’s 2AM and you just wrapped up the bleary-eyed night feed. By some miracle, your little one drifts off to sleep quickly. In her crib, no less! But not even twenty minutes later a new complication keeps you from precious sleep. Once again, your baby spits up when laid down. And she’s screaming again. This…
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Where Should My Baby Nap During the Day: Getting Baby to Sleep Better
“Where should my baby nap during the day?” Believe it or not, you’re not the first mom (or the last) to wonder about this. Newborns sleep a good 16 hours a day. Figuring out where to put them can be downright tricky. In this post, we’ll chat about the best places for your baby to…
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When and How to Brush Baby’s Teeth: 5 Easy Tips!
Taking care of a baby can be intimidating and overwhelming. If you are a first-time parent, you are probably clueless about many things, and that includes brushing their teeth. Even babies require proper dental care. To have healthy gums and teeth, regular brushing is a must. But when should you start brushing your baby’s teeth?…
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What to Do When Your Baby Hates Baths
Give your baby a bath, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. Right… My firstborn loved baths. Washing her was the most adorable activity in the world. My second daughter, not so much. Have you ever seen The Wizard of Oz? Remember the part where Dorothy throws a bucket of water on the Wicked Witch…
What Are Receiving Blankets and 8 Genius Ways to Use Them
Receiving blankets, swaddles, burp cloths, baby blankets…you’ve been adding items to your baby shower registry for hours and everything is starting to look the same. I totally get it. As a new much just followed the Amazon’s default registry suggestions. When I someone was kind enough to buy me a pack of receiving blankets, I…
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Undercover Mama Review {2020}: Review from a Pregnant Mom
Finding fantastic maternity outfits isn’t always easy. While popular retailers are finally rising to the occasion, many lines are overpriced or styled…weird. In the past, I’ve shopped at Amazon or discount retailers like Ross or Marshall’s. While it absolutely is possible to find great maternity outfits at these locations, it kind of feels like the…
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The Ultimate Guide to Baby Sleep Training Methods: Finding the Right Method for Your Baby
There’s no doubt, sleep training is a controversial topic. Some mamas swear by it, others avoid it at all cost. If you’re reading through various sleep training methods and feeling just a little bit nervous right about now, let me reassure you: it is not some big, scary thing! Sleep training is simply helping your…